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usbconfig-prototype.h 14KB

  1. /* Name: usbconfig.h
  2. * Project: AVR USB driver
  3. * Author: Christian Starkjohann
  4. * Creation Date: 2005-04-01
  5. * Tabsize: 4
  6. * Copyright: (c) 2005 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH
  7. * License: GNU GPL v2 (see License.txt) or proprietary (CommercialLicense.txt)
  8. * This Revision: $Id: usbconfig-prototype.h 532 2008-02-28 15:35:05Z cs $
  9. */
  10. #ifndef __usbconfig_h_included__
  11. #define __usbconfig_h_included__
  12. /*
  13. General Description:
  14. This file is an example configuration (with inline documentation) for the USB
  15. driver. It configures AVR-USB for an ATMega8 with USB D+ connected to Port D
  16. bit 2 (which is also hardware interrupt 0) and USB D- to Port D bit 0. You may
  17. wire the lines to any other port, as long as D+ is also wired to INT0.
  18. To create your own usbconfig.h file, copy this file to the directory
  19. containing "usbdrv" (that is your project firmware source directory) and
  20. rename it to "usbconfig.h". Then edit it accordingly.
  21. */
  22. /* ---------------------------- Hardware Config ---------------------------- */
  23. #define USB_CFG_IOPORTNAME D
  24. /* This is the port where the USB bus is connected. When you configure it to
  25. * "B", the registers PORTB, PINB and DDRB will be used.
  26. */
  27. #define USB_CFG_DMINUS_BIT 0
  28. /* This is the bit number in USB_CFG_IOPORT where the USB D- line is connected.
  29. * This may be any bit in the port.
  30. */
  31. #define USB_CFG_DPLUS_BIT 2
  32. /* This is the bit number in USB_CFG_IOPORT where the USB D+ line is connected.
  33. * This may be any bit in the port. Please note that D+ must also be connected
  34. * to interrupt pin INT0! [You can also use other interrupts, see section
  35. * "Optional MCU Description" below, or you can connect D- to the interrupt, as
  36. * it is required if you use the USB_COUNT_SOF feature. If you use D- for the
  37. * interrupt, the USB interrupt will also be triggered at Start-Of-Frame
  38. * markers every millisecond.]
  39. */
  40. /* #define USB_CFG_CLOCK_KHZ (F_CPU/1000) */
  41. /* Clock rate of the AVR in MHz. Legal values are 12000, 15000, 16000 or 16500.
  42. * The 16.5 MHz version of the code requires no crystal, it tolerates +/- 1%
  43. * deviation from the nominal frequency. All other rates require a precision
  44. * of 2000 ppm and thus a crystal!
  45. * Default if not specified: 12 MHz
  46. */
  47. /* ----------------------- Optional Hardware Config ------------------------ */
  48. /* #define USB_CFG_PULLUP_IOPORTNAME D */
  49. /* If you connect the 1.5k pullup resistor from D- to a port pin instead of
  50. * V+, you can connect and disconnect the device from firmware by calling
  51. * the macros usbDeviceConnect() and usbDeviceDisconnect() (see usbdrv.h).
  52. * This constant defines the port on which the pullup resistor is connected.
  53. */
  54. /* #define USB_CFG_PULLUP_BIT 4 */
  55. /* This constant defines the bit number in USB_CFG_PULLUP_IOPORT (defined
  56. * above) where the 1.5k pullup resistor is connected. See description
  57. * above for details.
  58. */
  59. /* --------------------------- Functional Range ---------------------------- */
  61. /* Define this to 1 if you want to compile a version with two endpoints: The
  62. * default control endpoint 0 and an interrupt-in endpoint (any other endpoint
  63. * number).
  64. */
  66. /* Define this to 1 if you want to compile a version with three endpoints: The
  67. * default control endpoint 0, an interrupt-in endpoint 3 (or the number
  68. * configured below) and a catch-all default interrupt-in endpoint as above.
  69. * You must also define USB_CFG_HAVE_INTRIN_ENDPOINT to 1 for this feature.
  70. */
  71. #define USB_CFG_EP3_NUMBER 3
  72. /* If the so-called endpoint 3 is used, it can now be configured to any other
  73. * endpoint number (except 0) with this macro. Default if undefined is 3.
  74. */
  76. /* The above macro defines the startup condition for data toggling on the
  77. * interrupt/bulk endpoints 1 and 3. Defaults to USBPID_DATA0.
  78. */
  79. #define USB_CFG_IMPLEMENT_HALT 0
  80. /* Define this to 1 if you also want to implement the ENDPOINT_HALT feature
  81. * for endpoint 1 (interrupt endpoint). Although you may not need this feature,
  82. * it is required by the standard. We have made it a config option because it
  83. * bloats the code considerably.
  84. */
  86. /* If you compile a version with endpoint 1 (interrupt-in), this is the poll
  87. * interval. The value is in milliseconds and must not be less than 10 ms for
  88. * low speed devices.
  89. */
  90. #define USB_CFG_IS_SELF_POWERED 0
  91. /* Define this to 1 if the device has its own power supply. Set it to 0 if the
  92. * device is powered from the USB bus.
  93. */
  94. #define USB_CFG_MAX_BUS_POWER 100
  95. /* Set this variable to the maximum USB bus power consumption of your device.
  96. * The value is in milliamperes. [It will be divided by two since USB
  97. * communicates power requirements in units of 2 mA.]
  98. */
  100. /* Set this to 1 if you want usbFunctionWrite() to be called for control-out
  101. * transfers. Set it to 0 if you don't need it and want to save a couple of
  102. * bytes.
  103. */
  104. #define USB_CFG_IMPLEMENT_FN_READ 0
  105. /* Set this to 1 if you need to send control replies which are generated
  106. * "on the fly" when usbFunctionRead() is called. If you only want to send
  107. * data from a static buffer, set it to 0 and return the data from
  108. * usbFunctionSetup(). This saves a couple of bytes.
  109. */
  111. /* Define this to 1 if you want to use interrupt-out (or bulk out) endpoints.
  112. * You must implement the function usbFunctionWriteOut() which receives all
  113. * interrupt/bulk data sent to any endpoint other than 0. The endpoint number
  114. * can be found in 'usbRxToken'.
  115. */
  117. /* Define this to 1 if you want flowcontrol over USB data. See the definition
  118. * of the macros usbDisableAllRequests() and usbEnableAllRequests() in
  119. * usbdrv.h.
  120. */
  121. /* #define USB_RX_USER_HOOK(data, len) if(usbRxToken == (uchar)USBPID_SETUP) blinkLED(); */
  122. /* This macro is a hook if you want to do unconventional things. If it is
  123. * defined, it's inserted at the beginning of received message processing.
  124. * If you eat the received message and don't want default processing to
  125. * proceed, do a return after doing your things. One possible application
  126. * (besides debugging) is to flash a status LED on each packet.
  127. */
  128. /* #define USB_RESET_HOOK(resetStarts) if(!resetStarts){hadUsbReset();} */
  129. /* This macro is a hook if you need to know when an USB RESET occurs. It has
  130. * one parameter which distinguishes between the start of RESET state and its
  131. * end.
  132. */
  133. /* #define USB_SET_ADDRESS_HOOK() hadAddressAssigned(); */
  134. /* This macro (if defined) is executed when a USB SET_ADDRESS request was
  135. * received.
  136. */
  137. #define USB_COUNT_SOF 0
  138. /* define this macro to 1 if you need the global variable "usbSofCount" which
  139. * counts SOF packets. This feature requires that the hardware interrupt is
  140. * connected to D- instead of D+.
  141. */
  143. /* define this macro to 1 if you want the function usbMeasureFrameLength()
  144. * compiled in. This function can be used to calibrate the AVR's RC oscillator.
  145. */
  146. /* -------------------------- Device Description --------------------------- */
  147. #define USB_CFG_VENDOR_ID 0xc0, 0x16
  148. /* USB vendor ID for the device, low byte first. If you have registered your
  149. * own Vendor ID, define it here. Otherwise you use obdev's free shared
  150. * VID/PID pair. Be sure to read USBID-License.txt for rules!
  151. * This template uses obdev's shared VID/PID pair for HIDs: 0x16c0/0x5df.
  152. * Use this VID/PID pair ONLY if you understand the implications!
  153. */
  154. #define USB_CFG_DEVICE_ID 0xdf, 0x05
  155. /* This is the ID of the product, low byte first. It is interpreted in the
  156. * scope of the vendor ID. If you have registered your own VID with
  157. * or if you have licensed a PID from somebody else, define it here. Otherwise
  158. * you use obdev's free shared VID/PID pair. Be sure to read the rules in
  159. * USBID-License.txt!
  160. * This template uses obdev's shared VID/PID pair for HIDs: 0x16c0/0x5df.
  161. * Use this VID/PID pair ONLY if you understand the implications!
  162. */
  163. #define USB_CFG_DEVICE_VERSION 0x00, 0x01
  164. /* Version number of the device: Minor number first, then major number.
  165. */
  166. #define USB_CFG_VENDOR_NAME 'w', 'w', 'w', '.', 'o', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'v', '.', 'a', 't'
  167. #define USB_CFG_VENDOR_NAME_LEN 12
  168. /* These two values define the vendor name returned by the USB device. The name
  169. * must be given as a list of characters under single quotes. The characters
  170. * are interpreted as Unicode (UTF-16) entities.
  171. * If you don't want a vendor name string, undefine these macros.
  172. * ALWAYS define a vendor name containing your Internet domain name if you use
  173. * obdev's free shared VID/PID pair. See the file USBID-License.txt for
  174. * details.
  175. */
  176. #define USB_CFG_DEVICE_NAME 'T', 'e', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'a', 't', 'e'
  177. #define USB_CFG_DEVICE_NAME_LEN 8
  178. /* Same as above for the device name. If you don't want a device name, undefine
  179. * the macros. See the file USBID-License.txt before you assign a name if you
  180. * use a shared VID/PID.
  181. */
  182. /*#define USB_CFG_SERIAL_NUMBER 'N', 'o', 'n', 'e' */
  183. /*#define USB_CFG_SERIAL_NUMBER_LEN 0 */
  184. /* Same as above for the serial number. If you don't want a serial number,
  185. * undefine the macros.
  186. * It may be useful to provide the serial number through other means than at
  187. * compile time. See the section about descriptor properties below for how
  188. * to fine tune control over USB descriptors such as the string descriptor
  189. * for the serial number.
  190. */
  191. #define USB_CFG_DEVICE_CLASS 0
  192. #define USB_CFG_DEVICE_SUBCLASS 0
  193. /* See USB specification if you want to conform to an existing device class.
  194. */
  195. #define USB_CFG_INTERFACE_CLASS 3 /* HID */
  198. /* See USB specification if you want to conform to an existing device class or
  199. * protocol.
  200. * This template defines a HID class device. If you implement a vendor class
  201. * device, set USB_CFG_INTERFACE_CLASS to 0 and USB_CFG_DEVICE_CLASS to 0xff.
  202. */
  203. #define USB_CFG_HID_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH 42 /* total length of report descriptor */
  204. /* Define this to the length of the HID report descriptor, if you implement
  205. * an HID device. Otherwise don't define it or define it to 0.
  206. * Since this template defines a HID device, it must also specify a HID
  207. * report descriptor length. You must add a PROGMEM character array named
  208. * "usbHidReportDescriptor" to your code which contains the report descriptor.
  209. * Don't forget to keep the array and this define in sync!
  210. */
  211. /* #define USB_PUBLIC static */
  212. /* Use the define above if you #include usbdrv.c instead of linking against it.
  213. * This technique saves a couple of bytes in flash memory.
  214. */
  215. /* ------------------- Fine Control over USB Descriptors ------------------- */
  216. /* If you don't want to use the driver's default USB descriptors, you can
  217. * provide our own. These can be provided as (1) fixed length static data in
  218. * flash memory, (2) fixed length static data in RAM or (3) dynamically at
  219. * runtime in the function usbFunctionDescriptor(). See usbdrv.h for more
  220. * information about this function.
  221. * Descriptor handling is configured through the descriptor's properties. If
  222. * no properties are defined or if they are 0, the default descriptor is used.
  223. * Possible properties are:
  224. * + USB_PROP_IS_DYNAMIC: The data for the descriptor should be fetched
  225. * at runtime via usbFunctionDescriptor().
  226. * + USB_PROP_IS_RAM: The data returned by usbFunctionDescriptor() or found
  227. * in static memory is in RAM, not in flash memory.
  228. * + USB_PROP_LENGTH(len): If the data is in static memory (RAM or flash),
  229. * the driver must know the descriptor's length. The descriptor itself is
  230. * found at the address of a well known identifier (see below).
  231. * List of static descriptor names (must be declared PROGMEM if in flash):
  232. * char usbDescriptorDevice[];
  233. * char usbDescriptorConfiguration[];
  234. * char usbDescriptorHidReport[];
  235. * char usbDescriptorString0[];
  236. * int usbDescriptorStringVendor[];
  237. * int usbDescriptorStringDevice[];
  238. * int usbDescriptorStringSerialNumber[];
  239. * Other descriptors can't be provided statically, they must be provided
  240. * dynamically at runtime.
  241. *
  242. * Descriptor properties are or-ed or added together, e.g.:
  244. *
  245. * The following descriptors are defined:
  255. * USB_CFG_DESCR_PROPS_UNKNOWN (for all descriptors not handled by the driver)
  256. *
  257. */
  261. #define USB_CFG_DESCR_PROPS_STRING_0 0
  265. #define USB_CFG_DESCR_PROPS_HID 0
  268. /* ----------------------- Optional MCU Description ------------------------ */
  269. /* The following configurations have working defaults in usbdrv.h. You
  270. * usually don't need to set them explicitly. Only if you want to run
  271. * the driver on a device which is not yet supported or with a compiler
  272. * which is not fully supported (such as IAR C) or if you use a differnt
  273. * interrupt than INT0, you may have to define some of these.
  274. */
  275. /* #define USB_INTR_CFG MCUCR */
  276. /* #define USB_INTR_CFG_SET ((1 << ISC00) | (1 << ISC01)) */
  277. /* #define USB_INTR_CFG_CLR 0 */
  278. /* #define USB_INTR_ENABLE GIMSK */
  279. /* #define USB_INTR_ENABLE_BIT INT0 */
  280. /* #define USB_INTR_PENDING GIFR */
  281. /* #define USB_INTR_PENDING_BIT INTF0 */
  282. /* #define USB_INTR_VECTOR SIG_INTERRUPT0 */
  283. #endif /* __usbconfig_h_included__ */