package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "strings" "strconv" "errors" "io/ioutil" "" "" tgbotapi "" ) var configFilename = "config.yaml" type Mqtt struct { Url string `yaml:"url"` User string `yaml:"username"` Pass string `yaml:"password"` } type Registration struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Topic string `yaml:"topic"` Values []string `yaml:"values"` lastValue string } type Config struct { // Telegram Bot API key Key string `yaml:"api_key"` // Telegram UserID (int64) of admin account Admin int64 `yaml:"admin_id"` // MQTT credentials Mqtt Mqtt // Telegram UserIDs (int64) of allowed users // (does not need to be modified manually) Users []int64 `yaml:"authorized_users"` // Available MQTT topics // (does not need to be modified manually) Registration []Registration } // default values var config = Config { Key: "API_KEY_GOES_HERE", Admin: 0, Mqtt: Mqtt { Url: "wss://MQTT_HOST:MQTT_PORT", User: "MQTT_USERNAME", Pass: "MQTT_PASSWORD", }, } var bot *tgbotapi.BotAPI = nil var mqttClient mqtt.Client = nil func readConfig() error { // read config file file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFilename) if err != nil { log.Printf("Conf file error: %v", err) return err } // parse yaml into struct err = yaml.Unmarshal(file, &config) if err != nil { log.Printf("Conf yaml error: %v", err) return err } return nil } func writeConfig() error { // parse struct into yaml data, err := yaml.Marshal(config) if err != nil { log.Printf("Conf yaml error: %v", err) return err } // write config file err = ioutil.WriteFile(configFilename, data, 0644) if err != nil { log.Printf("Conf file error: %v", err) return err } return nil } func isAdmin(id int64) bool { if id == config.Admin { return true } return false } func isAuthorizedUser(id int64) bool { if isAdmin(id) { return true } for user := range config.Users { if id == config.Users[user] { return true } } return false } func addAuthorizedUser(id int64) error { if isAdmin(id) { // admin is always authorized return nil } for user := range config.Users { if id == config.Users[user] { // already in users list return nil } } config.Users = append(config.Users, id) return writeConfig() } func sendReply(text string, chat int64, message int) { msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(chat, text) msg.ReplyToMessageID = message msg.ReplyMarkup = tgbotapi.NewRemoveKeyboard(true) _, err := bot.Send(msg) if err != nil { log.Printf("Bot error: %v", err) } } func sendMessage(text string, user int64) { // UserID == ChatID msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(user, text) msg.ReplyMarkup = tgbotapi.NewRemoveKeyboard(true) _, err := bot.Send(msg) if err != nil { log.Printf("Bot error: %v", err) } } func sendKeyboardReply(text string, name string, chat int64, message int) { var rows [][]tgbotapi.KeyboardButton for reg := range config.Registration { if name == config.Registration[reg].Name { for value := range config.Registration[reg].Values { button := tgbotapi.NewKeyboardButton("/" + name + " " + config.Registration[reg].Values[value]) row := tgbotapi.NewKeyboardButtonRow(button) rows = append(rows, row) } } } keyboard := tgbotapi.NewOneTimeReplyKeyboard(rows...) msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(chat, text) msg.ReplyToMessageID = message msg.ReplyMarkup = keyboard _, err := bot.Send(msg) if err != nil { log.Printf("Bot error: %v", err) } } func sendGenericKeyboardReply(text string, chat int64, message int) { var rows [][]tgbotapi.KeyboardButton //var rows []tgbotapi.KeyboardButton for reg := range config.Registration { button := tgbotapi.NewKeyboardButton("/" + config.Registration[reg].Name) row := tgbotapi.NewKeyboardButtonRow(button) //row := button rows = append(rows, row) } keyboard := tgbotapi.NewOneTimeReplyKeyboard(rows...) //keyboard := tgbotapi.NewOneTimeReplyKeyboard(rows) msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(chat, text) msg.ReplyToMessageID = message msg.ReplyMarkup = keyboard _, err := bot.Send(msg) if err != nil { log.Printf("Bot error: %v", err) } } func notifyAdminAuthorization(id int64, name string) { if (config.Admin == 0) { // probably no admin account configured yet. don't ask them. return } log.Printf("Requesting admin authorization for new user %s.", name) text := fmt.Sprintf("New connection from %s. Send \"/auth %d\" to authorize.", name, id) sendMessage(text, config.Admin) } func sendMqttMessage(topic string, msg string) { log.Printf("MQTT Tx: %s @ %s", msg, topic) token := mqttClient.Publish(topic, 0, true, msg) token.Wait() } func register(name string, topic string, values string) error { for reg := range config.Registration { if name == config.Registration[reg].Name { return errors.New("already registered") } } v := strings.Split(values, ",") r := Registration { Name: name, Topic: topic, Values: v, } config.Registration = append(config.Registration, r) writeConfig() token := mqttClient.Subscribe(topic, 0, onMessageReceived) if token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { log.Printf("MQTT sub error: %v", token.Error()) } return nil } func remove(s []Registration, i int) []Registration { s[i] = s[len(s) - 1] return s[:len(s) - 1] } func unregister(name string) error { for reg := range config.Registration { if name == config.Registration[reg].Name { token := mqttClient.Unsubscribe(config.Registration[reg].Topic) if token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { log.Println("MQTT unsub error: %v", token.Error()) } config.Registration = remove(config.Registration, reg) writeConfig() return nil } } return errors.New("name not found") } func isRegisteredCommand(name string) bool { for reg := range config.Registration { if name == config.Registration[reg].Name { return true } } return false } func isValidValue(name string, val string) bool { for reg := range config.Registration { if name == config.Registration[reg].Name { for value := range config.Registration[reg].Values { if val == config.Registration[reg].Values[value] { return true } } } } return false } func topicForName(name string) string { for reg := range config.Registration { if name == config.Registration[reg].Name { return config.Registration[reg].Topic } } return "unknown" } func lastValueForCommand(name string) string { ret := "" for reg := range config.Registration { if name == config.Registration[reg].Name { if len(config.Registration[reg].lastValue) > 0 { ret = "Current state: \"" ret += config.Registration[reg].lastValue ret += "\"\n" } break } } ret += "Select option below..." return ret } func onMessageReceived(client mqtt.Client, message mqtt.Message) { log.Printf("MQTT Rx: %s @ %s", message.Payload(), message.Topic()) for reg := range config.Registration { if config.Registration[reg].Topic == message.Topic() { config.Registration[reg].lastValue = string(message.Payload()[:]) } } } func main() { err := readConfig() if err != nil { log.Printf("Can't read config file \"%s\".", configFilename) log.Printf("Writing default values. Please modify.") writeConfig() os.Exit(1) } // MQTT debugging //mqtt.ERROR = log.New(os.Stdout, "[ERROR] ", 0) //mqtt.CRITICAL = log.New(os.Stdout, "[CRIT] ", 0) //mqtt.WARN = log.New(os.Stdout, "[WARN] ", 0) //mqtt.DEBUG = log.New(os.Stdout, "[DEBUG] ", 0) // Initialize MQTT opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions() opts.AddBroker(config.Mqtt.Url) opts.SetClientID("lights-telegram") opts.SetUsername(config.Mqtt.User) opts.SetPassword(config.Mqtt.Pass) mqttClient = mqtt.NewClient(opts) token := mqttClient.Connect(); if token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { log.Printf("MQTT error: %v", token.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // Subscribe to registered topics for reg := range config.Registration { token := mqttClient.Subscribe(config.Registration[reg].Topic, 0, onMessageReceived) if token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { log.Printf("MQTT sub error: %v", token.Error()) } } // Initialize Telegram bot, err = tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(config.Key) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Bot error: %v", err) } // Telegram debugging //bot.Debug = true // Start message receiving log.Printf("Authorized on account %s", bot.Self.UserName) u := tgbotapi.NewUpdate(0) u.Timeout = 60 updates := bot.GetUpdatesChan(u) for update := range updates { if update.Message == nil { continue } log.Printf("[Rx \"%s\"] %s", update.Message.From.UserName, update.Message.Text) reply := "" showGenericKeyboard := false if isAuthorizedUser(update.Message.From.ID) { switch { case update.Message.Text == "/start": reply = "Welcome to the Lights control bot! Try /help for tips." showGenericKeyboard = true case update.Message.Text == "/help": if len(config.Registration) > 0 { reply += "You can use the following commands:\n" for reg := range config.Registration { reply += fmt.Sprintf(" - /%s", config.Registration[reg].Name) for val := range config.Registration[reg].Values { reply += fmt.Sprintf(" %s", config.Registration[reg].Values[val]) } reply += "\n" } reply += "\n" } reply += "These commands are always available:\n" reply += " - /send TOPIC VALUE\n" reply += " - /help\n" reply += " - /start\n" if isAdmin(update.Message.From.ID) { reply += "\nYou are an administrator, so you can also use:\n" reply += " - /auth ID\n" reply += " - /register NAME TOPIC VAL1,VAL2,...\n" reply += " - /unregister NAME\n" reply += " - /commandlist" } else { reply += "\nAdministrators have further options not available to you." } showGenericKeyboard = true case strings.HasPrefix(update.Message.Text, "/auth "): if isAdmin(update.Message.From.ID) { id, err := strconv.ParseInt(update.Message.Text[6:], 10, 64) if err != nil { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing ID! %v", err) } else { err = addAuthorizedUser(id) if err != nil { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Error authorizing ID! %v", err) } else { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Ok, authorized %d.", id) // also notify user text := "You have now been authorized by the admin. Try /help for commands." sendMessage(text, id) } } } else { reply = "Sorry, only administrators can do that!" } case strings.HasPrefix(update.Message.Text, "/send "): s := update.Message.Text[6:] topic, msg, found := strings.Cut(s, " ") if found { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Setting \"%s\" to \"%s\"", topic, msg) sendMqttMessage(topic, msg) } else { reply = "Error parsing your message." } case strings.HasPrefix(update.Message.Text, "/register "): if isAdmin(update.Message.From.ID) { s := update.Message.Text[10:] name, rest, found := strings.Cut(s, " ") if found { topic, values, found := strings.Cut(rest, " ") if found { err = register(name, topic, values) if err != nil { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Error registering! %v", err) } else { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Ok, registered %s", name) } } else { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing topic!") } } else { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing name!") } } else { reply = "Sorry, only administrators can do that!" } case strings.HasPrefix(update.Message.Text, "/unregister "): if isAdmin(update.Message.From.ID) { name := update.Message.Text[12:] err = unregister(name) if err != nil { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Error unregistering! %v", err) } else { reply = fmt.Sprintf("Ok, unregistered %s", name) } } else { reply = "Sorry, only administrators can do that!" } case update.Message.Text == "/commandlist": if isAdmin(update.Message.From.ID) { for reg := range config.Registration { reply += fmt.Sprintf("%s - Set '%s' state\n", config.Registration[reg].Name, config.Registration[reg].Topic) } reply += "help - Show help text and keyboard" } else { reply = "Sorry, only administrators can do that!" } default: reply = "Sorry, I did not understand. Try /help instead." name, val, found := strings.Cut(update.Message.Text, " ") name = name[1:] // remove '/' if found { if isRegisteredCommand(name) { if isValidValue(name, val) { sendMqttMessage(topicForName(name), val) reply = fmt.Sprintf("Ok, setting %s to %s", name, val) } else { reply = "Sorry, this is not a valid value! Try /help instead." } } else { reply = "Sorry, this command is not registered. Try /help instead." } } else if isRegisteredCommand(update.Message.Text[1:]) { reply = "" text := lastValueForCommand(update.Message.Text[1:]) sendKeyboardReply(text, update.Message.Text[1:], update.Message.Chat.ID, update.Message.MessageID) } } } else { // only request admin-auth when /start has been sent! // this avoids most bot spam. if update.Message.Text == "/start" { log.Printf("Message from unauthorized user. %s %d", update.Message.From.UserName, update.Message.From.ID) notifyAdminAuthorization(update.Message.From.ID, update.Message.From.UserName) reply = "Sorry, you are not authorized. Administrator confirmation required." } } // send a reply if reply != "" { log.Printf("[Tx \"%s\"] %s", update.Message.From.UserName, reply) if showGenericKeyboard { sendGenericKeyboardReply(reply, update.Message.Chat.ID, update.Message.MessageID) } else { sendReply(reply, update.Message.Chat.ID, update.Message.MessageID) } } } }