7 Commits (6beb42cdf65971aeca93868305ed93ae6ed732eb)

Author SHA1 Message Date
  MendelMax 67710df9f3 Made i2c mode wok with the hardware I am able to test (ywrobot / sainsmart i2c LCD 2004) 12 years ago
  Bob Clough 83e33bdd26 Added LiquidCrystal_I2C library to ArduinoAddons 12 years ago
  daid303 442ade15a6 Move Gen6 stuff into a proper location. 12 years ago
  Yuri Valentini 7d20ec706e Added libraries from Arduino 1.0.3 for sanguino build 12 years ago
  Yuri Valentini 69582042d7 Definitions for Sanguino SPI 12 years ago
  daid303 6d9dfa96c3 Move the Arduino related stuff out of the Marlin tree, as they are not directly related to Marlin functionality but addons for the Arduino IDE. Also split up the addons for pre 1.0.0 Arduino and post 1.0.0 Arduino. 12 years ago